What is an artbook?

What is an artbook? An artbook is a compilation of illustrations. Regarding Candy Candy, those arbooks are signed by Yumiko Igarashhi, the manga illustrator. There is no artbook about the anime. You'll find here images of the four artbooks (though the Chinese artbook is a compilation of the artbooks 1 and 2's of 1978-1979) There are other artbooks that are rarer, that you can find on the website Candyworld.

Cover of artbook 1 published in 1978.

Cover of artbook 2 published in 1979.

Cover of the small artbook published by Nakayoshi and provided in one of their magazine

Cover of the Chinese artbook published in the 90's


 - Where can I find those artbooks?

Sometimes, you can find them on auction websites at very expensive prices, and on the website


- The illustrations classified by theme

Some images come from the website


Candy and the Prince of the hill



Candy and Anthony

Candy and Terry



Candy and Albert

Candy  and her friends


Candy Candy


The CD rom images

Cliquez sur le l'image !

Some images of the artbooks suitable for multimedia...

Les images Jumelles - The twin images

Les illustrations qui se ressemblent...

Illustrations that look very alike...


The page of the creators

Page devoted to the author and the illustrator of Candy Candy.