Here is the CC version happy families game that Teleguide Editions release in the end 70's... ^_^

The game is in actual size. You only need to print the pictures on some thick paper, then to cut them out in order to entertain our beloved little ones....

Game Rules

From 2 to 4 players.

The idea of the game is to collect whole families. The dealer deals 6 cards to each player (8 each for 2 players). The remaining cards are placed face down to form a stock.

The player to dealer's left starts. A turn consists of asking a specific player for a specific card from a family. For example, if it is my turn I might say: 'Mary, Blue family: please, can I have the mother? The player who asks must already hold at least one card of the requested family, so I must hold at least one card from the blue family to say this. If the player who was asked (Mary) has the right card in her deck (the mother from the Blue family in this case), she must give it to the player who asked for it. That player then gets another turn and may again ask any player for any card already held by the asker.

If the person asked does not have the right card, she says “pick a card!”. The asker must then draw the top card of the undealt stock. If the drawn card is the one asked for, the asker shows it and says “lucky dip” and gets another turn. If the drawn card is not the one asked for, the asker keeps it, but the turn now passes to the next player.

As soon as a player collects a book of 4 (6) cards of the same family, he must say “happy family”. The cards must be shown and then placed face down. The game continues until either someone has no cards left in hands or the stock runs out. The winner is the player who then has the most families.

Let's play now!... ^_^

Clic on Candy ! ^^

Clic on the back of the card to see the game :o)

Back of the card to be printed

Annie's family
Candy's family
The Prince's family
Pony's family
The Leagan's family
The Dream's family

Tom's family